“The Cassidy brothers, Thomas, Phillip and Edward were convicted and transported for life, for reputedly throwing a horse over the precipice at Cullaigh, Belmore Mountain, Fermanagh. They were sent to Australia on board the Hercules II in 1830.”

As part of the clan’s goal of promoting kinship among all Cassidys and their descendants, we would like to create an internet library of family histories and stories, including emigrant tales. We also welcome your articles, observations, and humor from Cassidys and friends for inclusion in our newsletter and/or posting on our website.
We wish to highlight the work of Veronica Williams from Australia. Veronica is a member of the Cassidy Clan Executive Committee and our expert on DNA research. She has written a fascinating article on her Cassidy ancestors from County Fermanagh (where all Cassidys originated) and their lives in Australia.