Cassidy Births in Ireland Mapped: 1864 to 1913

Between 1864 and 1913, what was the peak year for Cassidys born in Ireland?  The answer is 1866 with 188 births.

Cassidy births by Year in Ireland 1864-1913, source
Cassidy births by Year in Ireland 1864-1913, source

Here are the totals for Cassidy births during this time period with Cassidy variations:

Cassidy: 7072

Casady: 1

Cassedy: 64

Cassidi: 4

Cassady: 17

Cassiday: 190

Casidy: 31

Casedy: 5

Cassaday: 1

Cassiady: 8

Kessidy: 4

Cassidey: 3

Cossidy: 5

Cashady: 2

Casiday: 2

Kassidy: 2

Kessiday: 2