Devenish Island in County Fermanagh is special to the Cassidy Clan. The Cassidys served as “erenaghs,” hereditary land managers for the Church’s property in parts Devenish parish and undoubtedly studied and worshiped at Devenish Island.
The most famous early Irish Cassidy ancestor, the poet Giolla Mochuda More Ó Caiside, composed Banshenchas, The Lore of Woman, on Devenish Island in 1147. The poem tells the history of the women of the world starting with Eve. At the conclusion of the poem, Devenish is described as “of gracious words and pure holy song.”
Here’s a short video about the restoration work done there after the lightning strike in 2022: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-northern-ireland-62339868?fbclid=IwAR1i1kFvPYydKsF8j8btiwo5TbhN4nntTB2X8ouLPlkh_Lq8wvefQ1WhSSk
We will visit Devenish Island during the 2025 Cassidy Clan Rally.