Have you written a history of your Cassidy family? Please share it with us and other Cassidys worldwide.
We post family histories on Cassidy ancestors on our website at https://cassidyclan.org/member-contributions/
Please send your family story (with photos too!) to Stephen Cassidy at stephen [at] cassidyclan.org
Has anyone heard of Holy Star in County Tyrone? Hugh Cassidy was born there 10 Aug 1825.
Thank you,
Tanya Cassidy
Dear Nuala,
I have just posted info on my Manchester Family History. Then I read your article about The Cassidys and Druids. I remember discussing this some years ago with yourself and your Brother as I was doing some Druidic training in Co. Derry and you asked me to give a brief talk to the Group on a An Ghaeilge. You may remember as there was also a Maori member of the Cassidy Clan who gave memorable ritual of his People’s Culture.
Please do get in touch, as this was some time ago. I still commemorate the 8 Celtic Rituals with a a fellow Druid and try to follow the Druid Path in my own way.
Hope all is well with yourself and Family.
Beannacht bhui oraibhse agus an Chlann,
Paraic O Casaide
Hi Patrick.
I’m interested in your Manchester family history of Cassidy’s. I’m originally from Lancashire, my dad has a very large Cassidy family. They were from Mosley.
My Gt. Gt Gt. Grandfather was James Cassidy, a Cotton Weaver who , l think emigrated from Ireland – Ulster ? He married in 1823 to Catherine nee – Coyle, previously married.In St. Mary’s ( Little Gem ), Mulberry St.their son Daniel was baptised in 1823.
My Gt Gt Father ) in 1823. Also baptised in 1823 was Daniel’s future wife Bridget Murray. Parents were John and Catherine nee Murray, Murray from Co. Monaghan. Daniel had a Sister. Mary Ann , bap. St. Pat’s M/c in 1832. James died in 1830’s as Catherine re married. The Family are on 1841 Census in M/c with another Sister Susanna, perhaps day of James from earlier marriage. Daniel and Bridget married and first Children were Daniel and Susanna so I think a Cassidy Family names. I believe Daniel is quite an in common Family name ? Another son was Laurence – my Gt. Grandfather, his Mother had a Brother, Laurence ). There were several other Siblings. I have researched my Family for many years without further information. I would love to find out more. I joined and attended a Cassidy Clan Convention some years ago in Irvinestown, Co. Fermanagh which was excellent. Thank you in anticipation.
I am curious about the specific spelling “Cassiday.” I have heard four things: 1) that it is the Protestant spelling of Cassiday, 2) that it is the “older” spelling, 3) that it is the “Black Irish” spelling, and 4) that there is no real romantic reason for the different spelling and that it is merely a different phonetic spelling. More than one different Cassiday family did tell me that their name meant that they were Protestant and they felt pretty strongly about it. Anything to this? Are there any Cassidays still in Northern Ireland? Please email me.
My grandfather added the A after the depression. He and his brothers had a joint investment and he lost his investment. We are Cassidays and we are Catholic. 🙂
Dear Bob
The reason for many various ways of spelling Cassidy is easy to understand if you turn back the clock. I presume it was the same in the USA and other places as it was in Australia. Many of the immigrants could not read or write, so when they were asked their name for the records, it was up to the clerk to spell their name. It causes consternation when doing family research, as in my own case, the name of the mother changes from records of one child to the next. Ellen – Eleanor!
Cassidy, Cassiday, Cassedy etc.
One has to be flexible when researching.
Good luck, Kerry
Very glad you are doin’ this way of the Cassidy.
It is great to have you.